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Control Valves - Sized for Peak Performance

June 12, 2019

Control valve selection, and more importantly sizing, can significantly influence efficiency and reliability. A control valve that is engineered to accurately fit the specific application offers the best overall cost, the best performance, and the best process control.

Short lead times often prompt technicians to purchase a valve as though it were an off-the-shelf product. While the need for a quick turnaround is warranted, what good is a quick response if the valve does not function properly?

Each valve needs to be sized to the application, with consideration given to process conditions, piping arrangement, performance and cost. In many instances, valves are specified too large in an effort to ensure that there is more than enough capacity. However, an oversized valve does not produce improved results. With an oversized valve, process control is impacted and the internal plug and seat frequently throttle too close together, causing excess wear, which limits the life of the valve. The cost implications of this scenario are two-fold – a larger valve costs more and will need to be replaced sooner due to poor performance.

Control valve sizing has become a challenge in many industries due to an overall effort to streamline onsite staff. The technicians at a plant no longer have the luxury of specialization. Without control valve expertise, it is difficult to align the right solution to the specific application. Working with an experienced, solutions-driven control valve provider can eliminate this knowledge gap. Extensive valve expertise is critical; as is a commitment to delivering solutions that will help you succeed. With the right provider, requesting a valve moves far beyond placing an order. An extensive list of questions – though frustrating to a plant technician addressing a stopped production line – will allow for a greater understanding of need and, ultimately, better valve and plant performance. That additional time yields:

  • Long term savings
  • Longer lasting valves
  • Decreased maintenance costs
  • Increased productivity

The next time control valves need replaced at your facility, ask yourself if you would benefit more from a valve, or an engineered solution.

Control Valves Sized for Performance