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Valve Condition Monitoring
Valve Condition Monitoring
Prioritize Maintenance Decisions. Improve the Reliability & Performance of Your Plant.
<span style="color:#00488e;">Take Your Valve Condition Monitoring<br>to a Whole New Level with the<br>Plantweb™ Insight Valve Health Application</span>

Take Your Valve Condition Monitoring
to a Whole New Level with the
Plantweb™ Insight Valve Health Application

Valve condition monitoring is the process of continuously assessing the operational status and health of industrial valves—to ensure proper valve functioning, prevent unexpected failures, and optimize overall system performance.

"The Valve Health App offers significant advantages for industrial plants by streamlining control valve maintenance and optimizing PID loop performance. Traditionally, monitoring valve health involved performing online or offline valve diagnostics and interpreting results or relying solely on reactive maintenance after failures occur. The App simplifies this process by continuously analyzing valve data and generating a Valve Health Index, based on an algorithm of Fisher’s valve expertise. This allows for proactive maintenance scheduling and prioritizing resources on valves in need of attention."

—Jeff Ulrich, Senior Account Manager, ECI

The Valve Health Application can be easily implemented and accessed anywhere, digitally transforming your data into actionable information for improved decision- making. The application generates five health indicators, including:

  • Repair Urgency Status
  • Valve Health Index
  • Financial Impact
  • Criticality
  • NE107 Alert Status

The overall health of the full fleet of valves can be viewed with the Valve Health Index, which is calculated using the inputs of the other four indicators and displayed on a dashboard. The dashboard also displays trends of past health, valve problem explanations, recommended actions, and a suggested time frame to take action.

Key Features

  • Automatic Monitoring 
    Continuously monitor device alerts and run analytics  

  • Control Valve Expertise 
    View recommended actions and time frames  

  • User-Friendly Dashboard 
    See which valves are in the most need of attention  

  • Web-Based Platform 
    Securely access your data from anywhere, at any time

  • Easy Integration 
    Seamlessly integrate with your existing wireless infrastructure 

Contact our experts to take your condition monitoring to the next level.
